Download and install

Installing as a Linux package
Building from the sources
     Adding QuickJS engine support
Building njs command-line utility

Installing as a Linux package

For Linux, njs modules packages can be used:

  • nginx-module-njs — njs dynamic modules
  • nginx-module-njs-dbg — debug symbols for the nginx-module-njs package

After package installation, njs dynamic modules need to be loaded with the load_module directive:

load_module modules/;


load_module modules/;

Building from the sources

The repository with njs sources can be cloned with the following command (requires Git client):

git clone

Then the modules should be compiled from nginx root directory using the --add-module configuration parameter:

./configure --add-module=path-to-njs/nginx

The modules can also be built as dynamic:

./configure --add-dynamic-module=path-to-njs/nginx

Adding QuickJS engine support

Make sure you have built the QuickJS library:

git clone
cd quickjs
CFLAGS='-fPIC' make libquickjs.a

At the module compilation step, also specify the include (-I) and library (-L) paths with the --with-cc-opt= and --with-ld-opt= configuration parameters:

./configure --add-module=path-to-njs/nginx \
    --with-cc-opt="-I path-to-quickjs" \
    --with-ld-opt="-L path-to-quickjs"

Building njs command-line utility

To build only the njs command-line utility, run ./configure and make njs commands from njs root directory. After building, the utility is available as ./build/njs.